About Us.
The Myopia Hunt.
Myopia operates a "drag" hunt, meaning our hounds are trained to hunt a scent that is laid down by a "fox". In olden days an artificial lure was soaked in a liquid, the scent, and dragged along the ground in a fashion similar to the scent that would be left behind by a fox. This process is call "laying the line".
Today the scent is laid with a spray bottle by a hunt staff member called "the fox". Our talented and skilled Huntsman works diligently with his pack of hounds to find the line where it lays. Behind these working hounds, you will find "the field" of horses and riders who chase the hounds as they hunt the line.
Myopia hunts at the courtesy of our Landowners, who invite the Hunt to use their fields and trails, and often allow us to place fences for the horses to jump. We also work closely with our local land conservation organizations, and proceeds from our annual events help support their efforts.
The People.
Sam Stevens, Huntsman
image courtesy of Jacqueline Miller
Huntsman Samantha Stevens
Masters of Foxhounds Franz Colloredo-Mansfeld, Wendy Wood & Olaf Krohg
Hunt Secretary Mary Milgrom
Treasurer Rob Wilkinson
Hunt Committee Members
Franz Colloredo-Mansfeld
Wendy Wood
Olaf Krohg
Mary Milgrom
Rob Wilkinson
Robert Carroll
Susanna Colloredo-Mansfeld
Deborah Thomas
John Ellis
Amanda Smith
Seppi Colloredo-Mansfeld
Alice Winthrop
Myopia Masters.
Masters of Foxhounds
Hugh A. Allen 1882
John E. Peabody 1883
Frank Seabury 1884-1892
Randolph M. Appleton 1893-1900
George S. Mandell 1901-1910
James W. Appleton 1911-1917, 1919-1935
Frederick J. Alley 1918
Gordon C. Prince 1936-1940, 1943-1945
Bayard Tuckerman, Jr 1941
Frederic Winthrop 1942, 1946-1955
Charles G. Rice 1955-1961
Francis P. Sears, Jr. 1962-1967
Neil R. Ayer 1968-1983
Russell B. Clark 1983-1994
Nuri A.E.Z. Wissa 1994-2001
Donald V. Little 2001-2012
Joint Masters
Bayard Tuckerman, Jr. 1940
Frederic Winthrop 1941
George C. Clement 1947-1950
Russell B. Clark 1975-1983
Betty M. Ellis 1994-1999
Donald V. Little 1989-2001
Edward F. Mehm 2012-2016
Kim Cutler 2012-2017
Nicholas White 2014-2021
Wendy Wood 2017
Franz Colloredo-Mansfeld 2022
Olaf Krohg 2024 (current)
James W. Appleton 1936-1941
Russell B. Clark 1994-2019
Hunt Professionals.
Some riders need – or simply prefer – a professional escort. If you are new to foxhunting, it’s always best to ride out with an experienced member of the field before going out on your own.
For information email Mary Milgrom, Hunt Secretary, mary@myopiahunt.org
Hunt Photographers.
On some occasions, professional photographers follow our Hunt to capture some of the most amazing moments on horseback. Smiling faces, working hounds, and horses who love their jobs! Here is a list of photographers whose work may include photos of the Myopia Hounds, field members, and events.